During the 2024 Giving Challenge, SJCS was able to receive over $157,000 in donations for a new school bus. Our goal is to raise $200,000 for this fundraising initiative.
Because of the generosity of our donors, we were able to receive the FAST 50 bonus of $250, we met the $10,000 Ierulli match, received $22,300 of the Knights of Columbus match, and are being awarded the full $50,000 match from the Doss Foundation.
If you have questions on how to donate, please call (941) 755-2611 or email Carlee Colonneso at [email protected]. Donations can also be made here at Online Donations.
St. Joseph Catholic School Annual Fund:
Current tuition only covers 70% of the operational costs for St. Joseph Catholic School. The remaining 30% comes from the generosity of our donors and fundraising. This Annual Fund provides funds needed to close the operational gap and provide for future improvements on our campus. You can help by visiting sjsfl.org/donate.
Guardian Angel Scholarship Fund:
St. Joseph Catholic School makes every effort to keep Catholic education affordable for all families seeking a Catholic education for their child in Manatee County. The Guardian Angel Scholarship fund provides help to families who qualify for tuition assistance. You can help by visiting sjsfl.org/online-giving